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- termination
- time bank
- Torp lufthavn
Can I carry over the hours I don't use in one month to the next month?
- Unfortunately, there is no "rollover" on hours. A new month means a new 200 hours.
The number of hours in my profile is incorrect.
- If we have received an unclear reading of the license plate when exiting, the time bank will continue to count until this is manually corrected in the back system. This is done continuously, but sometimes it can take a little longer. This is the reason why the number of hours shows an error when the time bank is checked before we have corrected the license plate. As soon as this is done, the time bank is updated correctly.
How do I keep track of the number of hours used per month?
- All entries and exits will appear in your profile. You will also always be able to see how many hours are left of the month's quota in the overview on your profile.