Skriv i feltet under for å søke eller du kan klikke på ett av stikkordene nedenfor.
- agreement
- annual pass
- autopay
- employee parking
- employer
- invoice
- kontakt
- leietaker
- monthly pass
- oslo airport
- Pay Later
- payment
- payment card
- payment terminal
- personal data
- privacy
- rent
- rental car
- subscription
- termination
- time bank
- Torp lufthavn
Which payment cards can I use on Autopay?
As of today, it is only possible to use Visa and MasterCard for payment on Autopay.
Do I have to add payment cards to my profile?
- No, but it is recommended to avoid an invoice with an invoice fee. If you insert the card after entering the car park for the first time, you will park seamlessly with a debit from the card for future parking at all facilities with Autopay.