These terms, with changes according to the provisions of the terms, apply to the parking spaces or toll roads that the Tenant rents from the Landlord on a subscription basis at any given time. The Tenant can rent a parking space or toll pass for several Users. The terms also apply to the Users.

  1. The Tenant is always responsible for ensuring that vehicles using the subscription are registered by the Tenant in the self-service portal at in advance. This also applies to vehicles such as rental cars, loan cars, etc. The vehicles must be registered in the profile before the entry time. Vehicles not entered in the profile will be billed at short-term rates with an invoice fee or be subject to a control sanction in accordance with the terms applicable at the location.
  2. The User is responsible for ensuring that there is a valid subscription/permit associated with their profile and that it is linked to the correct vehicle. Otherwise, the User must pay for parking or toll passage at the applicable short-term rates or may be subject to a control sanction in accordance with the terms applicable at the location.
    1. The Tenant can have several cars associated with their agreement, but parking or toll passage cannot exceed the number of simultaneous parkers specified in the agreement. Parking beyond this will result in the User having to pay the applicable short-term rates or control sanction at facilities without ANPR (Autopay). For example, an agreement with 1 permit and several cars - the first car that enters must leave the facility before the permit is valid for other cars under the same permit.
    2. When an electronic parking permit is assigned, the user MUST ensure that the vehicle's registration number is entered in the profile at If the registration number is not entered and linked to the user's profile, the vehicle is not considered registered, and the User must pay the applicable short-term rates or may be subject to a control sanction in accordance with the terms applicable at the location.

    3. The vehicle must be in drivable condition with a valid registration number.
  3. The parking space cannot be used for purposes other than parking a passenger car. Car washing, service, repairs, etc., are not allowed. The User is obliged to comply with the rules of conduct that may be set by the Landlord. The facility must not, without written consent from the Landlord, be used in any way other than specified. The Tenant and User are obliged to always follow the guidelines applicable to the use of the facility, including signs regarding parking terms.
  4. The Tenant does not have the right to transfer this agreement or sublet the parking space(s).
  5. In the event of changes after the agreement is signed in the number or type of parking spaces (including termination), the Landlord will send a written change confirmation to the Tenant.
  6. Each party can terminate the lease agreement without further reason. The agreement runs until it is terminated. Termination is sent to The notice period starts from the 1st of the following month.
  7. The rent is paid in advance each month. The Landlord charges the payment card on the last day of each month or sends an invoice at least 14 days before the due date. For cards that are about to expire or have insufficient funds, the landlord offers to send SMS notifications. The notification can be activated on My Page at If the Tenant does not have coverage or a valid payment card, the Tenant will receive an invoice with an invoice fee. Lease agreements with an invoice sent will be subject to an invoice fee.
    1. In the event of late payment of rent, interest on arrears is payable in accordance with the Act of 17 December 1976 no. 100 or the law that comes into force instead of this. The Landlord has the right to charge a fee for reminders.
    2. The rent is CPI-adjusted on January 1 in accordance with the SSB consumer price index or in accordance with the market rent for similar leases. If the consumer price index is abolished, another similar public index will be used. The fixed adjustment index is CPI per 15.10 each year.
  8. The Landlord is not responsible for theft or damage that may be inflicted on the Tenant's vehicle, regardless of the cause.
  9. If the parties have not entered into a special agreement on the right to fixed spaces, parking can only take place in spaces that are not reserved. Reserved spaces must be marked. The Landlord has the right at any time to regulate or make changes to which spaces the Tenant is allowed to use.

  10. The Tenant may be denied access to the facility if necessary maintenance or alteration work requires it, or in the event of operational technical problems. The Tenant shall, if possible, be notified at least one week before such work begins and may claim a refund of rent for the relevant period in the event of exclusion from the parking facility. The Landlord has no liability beyond the refund of rent.
    1. The lease agreement lapses with immediate effect if the facility is damaged by fire, flood, or other circumstances not due to the Landlord's negligence. In such cases, the Landlord's obligation to provide parking spaces according to the agreement lapses with immediate effect, and the tenant is not entitled to compensation or a refund of rent.
  11. In the event of any breach of the agreement, the Landlord may demand that the tenancy be terminated with immediate effect. Non-payment or late payment of rent is considered a material breach. In the event of a material breach, the Landlord is entitled to withdraw/block valid parking cards/permits. Cars parked in the Landlord's parking facility may be towed at the Tenant's expense.
    The Tenant agrees on the same terms, the waiver of the parking space(s) without legal action and judgment according to the Enforcement Act § 13 – 2, 3rd paragraph. The Tenant cannot make counterclaims against the Landlord unless the counterclaim is acknowledged by the Landlord or legally determined.
  12. The Tenant has the right of withdrawal according to the Right of Withdrawal Act of 20 June 2014. When ordering an agreement for the rental of a parking space, the Tenant has a 14-day right of withdrawal. If the Tenant wishes to exercise the right of withdrawal, the Tenant must notify the Landlord of the use of the right of withdrawal within 14 days from the agreement being entered into. The Tenant can freely exercise the right of withdrawal without giving any reason.
    1. To exercise the right of withdrawal, the Tenant must notify the Landlord in writing and in an unambiguous manner. Alternatively, the withdrawal form attached to this agreement can be used. The Tenant has the burden of proof that the right of withdrawal has been exercised and should use the withdrawal form, but this is not mandatory. The notification can be submitted by sending an inquiry or withdrawal form by post or email to
    2. When exercising the right of withdrawal, the parties' obligations under the agreement lapse. The Landlord is in such a case obliged to refund any payment to the Tenant without undue delay, and no later than 14 days from the Landlord receiving notification of the Tenant's decision to exercise the right of withdrawal. The Landlord makes the refund using the same payment method that the Tenant used for the original transaction unless the Tenant has expressly agreed otherwise with the Landlord. Furthermore, the Tenant's registration of vehicles on the relevant agreement will be deleted so that the service cannot be used.
    3. If the Tenant orders or uses a lease agreement with a start date less than 14 days from the order, the Tenant agrees that the service is considered delivered from the agreed start date, even if it is before the expiry of the withdrawal period. The Tenant acknowledges that the right of withdrawal lapses when the Tenant uses the service or when the Landlord makes the service fully available at the agreed time according to the Right of Withdrawal Act § 22 letter c.

    See the link to the form to use the right of withdrawal.

    Updated 01.02.23