Employees of Avinor or a company defined as an Avinor partner, who accept the current parking conditions, are entitled to discounted parking at Avinor's airports operated by ONEPARK. This right to employee parking is established through an agreement with your employer. The right to employee parking requires that the individual has a valid Avinor ID card.

Creating a User Profile

A user profile is created at https://autopay.io/external/signup/avinor. This can be done by anyone with a valid ID card at Oslo Airport.

If your employer will pay for all or part of your parking, they will get access to the system to register this. The employer will then receive an invoice. If the employer does not register this, you as the end user will be responsible for paying for the parking.

Creating a user profile requires that you accept the following:

  • You have read and understood the current rules and conditions related to the Avinor employee parking program.
  • You have consented to the use of personal data for the specified purpose.

Prices and Discounts

Employee parking at Avinor's airports entitles you to discounted parking for an agreed number of hours per month related to your employment. The monthly number of hours is regulated in the agreement between your employer and Avinor.

The following terms apply to work-related employee parking:

  • A month is defined as a calendar month.
  • The discount level is set individually for each parking area.
  • Unused hours cannot be transferred to later months or to other employees.
  • If you enter in one month and exit in the next month, the hours will be deducted from the quotas for the respective months.
  • If you exceed the number of hours available in a month, you will be charged the pre-discount price equivalent to the daily rate divided by 24. It is not possible to combine different discount rates within the same parking.

For holiday and leisure parking, the following rules apply:

  • Parking in connection with holidays and leisure must be booked through Avinor's booking solution.
  • Separate discounts apply for holiday and leisure parking, independent of the discounts in the employee parking scheme.

Other Terms

  • It is the user's responsibility to ensure that the correct registration number is updated in the profile before exiting. If this is not done, the right to employee parking for the current parking session is forfeited. The vehicle owner will be charged the regular tariff for the parking area in such cases.
  • ONEPARK is not responsible for refunding or crediting invoices due to incorrect registration.
  • Avinor's employee parking program gives ONEPARK the right to charge the registered payment card or invoice the vehicle owner at the current prices/conditions.
  • The parking areas used for employee parking are P11, P21, P23, P44, and P45.

Haven't received an ID card?

Employee parking generally requires a valid Avinor ID card. If you have applied for an ID card, you will have the same terms/prices as others with an ID card for up to 30 days after submitting the application.


If you no longer wish to be part of Avinor's employee parking program, you can delete your employee parking/profile.

Use of Personal Data

ONEPARK, together with Avinor, may use information related to your profile and usage patterns to deliver services agreed upon with your employer. All information will be processed in accordance with current privacy regulations. In connection with establishing a customer relationship with ONEPARK, you will be asked to provide a consent declaration for the use of personal data for this purpose.

Consent Declaration for Avinor's Employee Parking

Privacy – Exchange of Personal Data with Employer

The agreement that forms the basis for employee parking at Avinor's airports is made with the individual user's employer. Personal data may be exchanged with the individual's employer to follow up on the terms set in the agreement with the employer, which grants the user access to employee parking at Avinor's airports. All registered personal data may be exchanged with the employer, including:

  • Name
  • Phone number
  • Other registered information typically recorded in Avinor's ID card system
  • Vehicle registration number(s)
  • Information about the time of parking, duration of parking, location and parking history price

In addition,privacy statements apply to ONEPARK and Autopay.

When deleting a profile for employee parking, the balance of available hours will be retained until the end of the month in cases of erroneous deletion.