Below is an overview of the hourly rates in the various areas with the new discount scheme.

All employees at Oslo Airport who wish to use employee parking must register a profile in Autopay. The solution allows all employees with a valid ID card to park at discounted rates for fixed hourly quotas per month in selected areas. Check with your employer's parking policy for information on hourly quotas and payment responsibility.

If your employer covers the parking for you as an employee, this should be agreed upon between your employer and Onepark.

Prices per Area

AreaDiscount RateHourly Rate within QuotaHourly Rate beyond Quota
Short-termReserved for Travelers
P1025%NOK 15.90NOK 21.10
P1180%NOK 6.05NOK 21.10

P1Forbeholdt reisende
P2Forbeholdt reisende

P470%NOK 3.20NOK 10.60
P5Reserved for Travelers
P6Reserved for Travelers
P4460%NOK 4.25NOK 10.60
P4560%NOK 4.25NOK 10.60
P2170%NOK 6.35NOK 21.10
P2370%NOK 6.35NOK 21.10

The prices are based on the current daily rate divided by 24 hours. Employee parking is charged per parked minute.

Updated 09.05.23